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Tuesday 13 February 2018

Ramsley and Big moor.


Our walk today started from the little car park at Shillito woods above Ramsley moor in Derbyshire. We nearly didn't make it here due to the adverse weather, the snow whipped across the road, covering it and I was beginning to think about turning back as we slipped and slid along the road from Owler bar. However no heavy snow was forcast so we decided to carry on to Shillito wood. The walk was to follow a route that is completely new to me, so we were in for a treat. We booted up and set off down the road in weather that quite frankly you wouldn't send a dog out in. Our dog on the other hand didn't mind and was soon rolling around like a fool.It took a while to get into the walk as the strong wind was giving us a bit of a battering. Wont be taking many photos today I thought. I did manage to whip the camera out to get this shot of the rough weather.

Soon after passing the little reservoir on Ramsley moor the weather calmed down [a bit]. Now we could begin to enjoy the walk. Its a decent path along this part of the moor.

Crossing the Owler bar to Baslow road and we were now on Big moor, Much quieter on this side of the moor, We could see people scurrying along like little ants along White edge which is situated on the western side of the moor. Its a place with a lot of historical connections Bronze age settlement sites, Cairns and field systems are dotted around the moor. There are also 3 stone circles here on Big moor and we were lucky enough to visit one on our walk, it goes by the name of Barbrook 1 and is a typical small embanked stone circle. Standing close to the path this is a circle of about 12 or 13 stones on gently sloping ground above the Bar brook. There are many stone circles around these parts and I hope to get round to visiting more of them some day.

We continued along the track up to Barbrook cottage. This lonely spot on the moors was once home to the reservoir keeper but is now the office of the Eastern moors partnership who look after these moors, what a grand job to have...

We enjoyed walking through the snow up here, no other walkers about although we did meet two or three cyclists following the tracks, enjoying their day. Heading downhill now and the snow began again. Most peoples thoughts will be starting to turn to spring now,but I'm hoping to get a few more snowy walks in this winter first... Winter goes far to quick for my liking, in no time at all we will be moaning that it is too hot, lets enjoy winter for a while yet.

Downhill and we picked up the route of the Peak district boundary walk, the path is a quagmire along here, I have heard that the mud never dries up all year round as the water drains down from Ramsley moor creating a bit of a swamp, still for a new walk  I enjoyed it on the whole and will be returning to do it again, at only 5.5 miles its a great walk for a half day. Back at the car park,one more thing, I had to visit the old Cross in the woods, probably erected in the 13th century by the monks of Beauchief abbey as a guide for early travellers across the moors. Well that's another walk over, looking forward to the next.


  1. sounds great mate!!.. (John G )

  2. 5.5 miles is for me... 8.8 km. that is good. I also walked yesterday and in the park I went there was quite a lot of snow. I was happy I had my walking sticks.
    I see you take time to take nice photos. You keep in shape and it is good. Nice post, Steven
