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Sunday 7 October 2018

A dander from Darfield [A Ramblers ramble]


I could hear the gentle patter on my bedroom window, a patter that went on for hours, most of the night in fact...couldn't sleep, i am normally working during the night so my body clock is shot to bits..I might as well get up...Theres a walk today with the Ramblers but what with all the rain I couldn't decide,should I go or not..i ummed and arred over a couple of crumpets..What was I thinking? of course I should go out, after all its only rain...Rain never killed anyone...So I drove the short distance to Darfield, Pulling into the layby near Middlewood hall, the rain stopped and the sky began to brighten.
Im guessing im not the only one that ummed and arred this morning, However 8 of us hardy ramblers had turned up for the walk...Todays leader [Trevor] thanked us for turning up,and we were off..following cross field paths and field edge paths we were soon caked in mud.i didn't mind, in fact it made a change, cant remember the last time I had mud on my boots...We made it down to the River Dearne, where it was decided it was time for our elevenses break...I was enjoying the walk..

We stood/sat on the bridge...Coffee was quaffed, the odd butty and Banana munched..We even had entertainment as a couple of our group gave a rousing rendition of "Its a long way to Tipperary". Feeling refreshed we set off following the course of the Dearne..Ahead lies Barnsley..

We passed several Giant hogweed plants along this stretch, we gave them a wide berth, for these plants can be dangerous, especially if one comes into contact with their sap..just brushing against them can result in blistering skin or scars...We carried with a song [The return of the giant Hogweed by Genesis]bouncing around in my head.

Before long we had made it to the outskirts of Barnsley [stairfoot] where we picked up the Trans Pennine trail..There was once a railway station here at Stairfoot, this would have been the main line between Mexborough and Barnsley..A terrible accident happened on this spot in 1870 when a goods train divided, the rear section rolling back to collide with a passenger train that was sat in the station killing 15 people. I wondered if their ghosts haunted the Mcdonalds that now sits on the site.

We were to follow the Trans Pennine trail for several miles now as far as Wombwell, but first we enjoyed a pint in the Ash, a lovely old pub situated right beside the trail...I say enjoy a pint...but I enjoyed two..The hand pulled Old speckled hen tasted awesome.

Back to the trail we built up quite a head of steam, soon reaching Wombwell ings, a RSPB wetland site beside the River Dearne. We followed the footpath that circles the reserve. Lots of horses graze the pastures around here.We watched and enjoyed the equine show as 50 or so Horses and ponies charged around like lunatics..quite a stampede.It was funny to watch the little Shetland ponies trying to keep up with the bigger horses.

A steep climb now back up to Darfield ..we detoured to visit the church and churchyard..its a nice place..i kept an eye peeled for local lad [Poet] Ian of Barnsleys famous sign of him though.....Back to the car...did it rain earlier?..forgot all about that.!!

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